Viventium Learning Powered By Nevvon

An Overview of Viventium Learning Powered by Nevvon

Register for This Webinar on Tuesday, August 13, from 2:00-2:30 PM ET

Viventium Learning powered by Nevvon enables caregivers and employees to easily educate themselves at their pace and on their schedule and is designed to simplify and streamline your educational and training requirements in any state so you can focus on what matters most: running a successful business.

In this webinar, you’ll hear from learning management specialist Hailey Ben-Izhak, who will provide:

  • Context on the role of training in increasing employee retention and improving the health services’ bottom line;
  • Background on the different levels of training requirements you should be aware of when designing and implementing your program; and
  • An overview of Viventium Learning, including a brief tour and an example of one of the lessons.

If you would like to take a deeper dive after this overview – or if you’re ready to jump in now – visit to schedule a private, personalized demo with one of our HCM specialists!

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