Federal Tax Withholding in 2020: How to Prepare

thursday, december 19, 2019, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm est

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 changed the way every employer in the US will compute Federal taxes starting in 2020. New information collection, employee outreach and education, system modifications, and compliance pitfalls are just a few of the challenges. Prepare for these changes in this hands-on, information packed webinar with veteran payroll experts, Yonina F. Shineweather, CPA and Malka Trump, CPA, CPP.

You'll walk away understanding:

  1. The new Form W-4
  2. Which personal financial information your employees may choose to disclose and what you should do with it
  3. The new withholding marital status
  4. The two different Federal tax calculation methods
  5. How to handle nonresident aliens and “exempt” forms under the new rules

EXCLUSIVE BONUS: Sample payroll check guidelines to prepare your employees for the upcoming changes.

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